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Fraxel Fractional Laser

Fraxel Fractional Laser Laser Treatment In Manhasset

Fraxel Fractional Laser

Fraxel Fractional Laser is a non-invasive laser treatment that can help to improve the appearance of the skin by reducing the signs of aging, scars, and other skin imperfections.

It uses a fractional laser technology to stimulate the skin's natural healing process and promote the growth of new, healthy skin cells. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of Fraxel Fractional Laser, how it works, and what to expect during and after the treatment.

Benefits of Fraxel Fractional Laser

Fraxel Fractional Laser offers several benefits for those looking to improve the appearance of their skin. Here are some of the advantages of Fraxel Fractional Laser:

  • Reduces Wrinkles and Fine Lines: The treatment can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by stimulating collagen production in the skin.
  • Improves Skin Tone and Texture: Fraxel Fractional Laser can help to improve skin tone and texture by reducing the appearance of scars, sun damage, and hyperpigmentation.
  • Minimal Downtime: While the treatment may cause some temporary redness and swelling, most people can resume their daily activities within a few days.
  • Non-Invasive: Fraxel Fractional Laser is a non-invasive treatment that does not require surgery or injections.

    The Process of Fraxel Fractional Laser is a multi-step process that involves the use of fractional laser technology. Here's what you can expect during the treatment:

  • Consultation: Before the treatment, you will have a consultation with a licensed skin specialist. They will assess your skin type and discuss your skincare goals.
  • Preparation: Before the treatment, the technician will apply a topical anesthetic to numb the skin and reduce discomfort during the treatment.
  • Treatment: The skin specialist will use a handheld device that emits a fractional laser beam to create tiny, microscopic wounds in the skin. These wounds stimulate the skin's natural healing process and promote the growth of new, healthy skin cells.
  • Post-Treatment: After the treatment, the technician will apply a cooling gel or cream to soothe the skin. You may experience some temporary redness and swelling, but it should subside within a few days.
  • What to Expect After Fraxel Fractional Laser After the treatment, it's important to take care of the treated area to ensure proper healing. Here's what you can expect:

  • Redness and Swelling: You may experience some temporary redness and swelling in the treated area, but it should subside within a few days.
  • Sun Protection: It's essential to protect the treated area from the sun. Medical grade Sunscreen is a must to put on everyday.