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About AuraSculpt



Aftercare is an essential step to get the most out of your facial. Our team of medical experts has taken great care to uncover our strengths and weaknesses Post-treatment recommendations to maximize effectiveness & maintain shine at home.

Tip of the day:

Even if you plan to stay indoors, continue to apply SPF 30+ every two hours.

If you plan on applying makeup or exercising, thoroughly cleanse your skin with a mild facial cleanser immediately afterwards to remove dirt, sweat, makeup, and bacteria, and avoid clogging your freshly washed pores.

Wait until tomorrow to physically exfoliate the treated area, especially if you typically use a brush or scrubber or a cleaner with harsher particles.

Wait a day before using active topical products like vitamin C or retinol to reduce the risk of dryness, especially if your skin is still getting used to new products.


Laser Treatments

Our Thermo Fractional & Our laser Treatment Has Created Micro Channels in your Skin to Stimulate Collagen Production and Allow Your Skin to Absorb 90% More Skincare Product Than Usual. Your Specialist / Professional Staff Has Applied a Customized Medical-Grade Serum For Your Skin concerns to Achieve Your Desired Results While Your Pores are Most Receptive.

Tip of the day:

  • How to achieve and prevent the best results
  • Possible side effects
  • Direct sunlight.
  • New or unknown products (especially those that have not been discussed with a nurse or doctor beforehand). Touching or picking the skin.


    Tip of the day:

    After your facial, reapply the medicated serum to the treated area every hour for 6 hours. After 6 hours, perform a gentle skin care routine until your skin has calmed down.

    After six hours of treatment, if your skin feels tender, dry, or peeling, apply a gentle emollient ointment such as Aquaphor to soothe the skin.

    Can we recommend our Vitamin B5 Antioxidant Moisturizer?

    Wait 24 hours after treatment before using a cleanser and only use mild skin care products until your skin returns to its normal feel. Ask a Registered Nurse. Don't be shy, that's a nurse's job.

    Anti-aging facials in manhasset Avoid:

  • How to achieve and prevent the best results
  • Possible side effects
  • The next day, avoid excessive heat exposure, such as very hot showers, saunas, and steam rooms. profuse sweating; as both can clog newly opened pores.
  • Avoid make-up, abrasive cleaners, and exfoliating cleansers for the next two days as they can irritate the new skin.
  • It is recommended that you protect the treated area from direct sunlight and UV rays and use new skin care products that you are not used to over the next week.
  • Avoid touching or picking your skin at all times. In particular, wait until the microdots created by the thermo-fractional facial disappear on their own.
  • Aurasculpt